Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So China can be an odd place.  i went to hong Kong to the Thunderbird Super Tuesday Alumni thing and I'll admit being in hong Kong can be kin of heady and it made me want to maybe get a job in Hong Kong or somewhere else, it's sort of like when I would go into San Francisco when I was college and wanted to live there, the whole being in the bright city lights etc etc.  So of course that got me thinking about my future and that got me slightly down, not knowing what Im going to do, not being able to remain forever young...FOREVER YOUNG(to the tune of forever young) and listening to a poignant, sad, and ironic song and walking back to my apartment and then I saw a man and woman(I think a married couple) with a street rigged hibachi, the people that sell meat on a stick but on their tray of food to choose from I saw an eggplant, which I have been wanting to cook more of because they are everywhere here and they are just these beautiful shades of purple and so cheap. Anyways, so I chose that and they grilled it and then added chives, garlic, a little oil and some ground chili and then gave it to me in a horrible earth ruining styrofoam container to take home.  it was really really good.  So while I cannot replicate this particularfood because of my lack of bbq, and I don't think it would turn out quite as good on a hot plate as on a grill I thought I would share the food, though I'm sure people may have thought of this before it is still something you should try.  When the skin cracks then slice it almost in half so it is basically butteflying it and cut off the green stem then brush it with some chili and or chili oil, some garlic and green onions and ground chili and then leave it for another minute or so and voila.  Of course if it doesn't turn out well with the eggplant almost mushy on the inside  and gushy and delicious then it isn't my fault it's china!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Well, it happened last night, it was my next door teacher friends birthday and Satan used ice skates to get to work.  For dinner we went out to dinner at the all you can eat sushi restaurant.  The thing is I had gone to that place on Wednesday and then on Friday I went to an all you can eat tepenyaki place that also included sashimi.  That place was really really good, it included sake, asahi beer, lamb chops, salmon, and steak.  So after last night I am amazingly sushi-ed out for the moment.  I'm not sure how long that will be but for the moment I am sushi free.  
Secondly, I went to a new bar last night after dinner with him and some other friends.  The bar is called Galleon and it is located at the top of the Intercontinental Hotel at Overseas Chinese Town(which is the actual chinese name of the neighbourhood or OTC)  Anyways, the place is okay and it has a microbrewery with the name Blanca.  The hotel is spanish themed supposedly though I couldn't really see it, but the menu proudly proclaimed that the beer was named for a spanish word for blonde.  The palce was pretty nice, all the waiters and waitresses were in pirate attire.  Lots of restaurants that feature ethnic or foreign or themed foods have costumes which is kind of funny, especially taco bell grande where they all wear large concial sombreroes.  Anyways, it was the usual mix of Chinese couples, perhaps a bit more western men with younger chinese women, and a few foreign couples.  They also had a live samba band which was fun.  The beer on tap was pretty good, though we prdered two different types that they had and they only brought us one but it was nice.  Oh, almost forgot, the bar itself is an actual ship, or at least the outside of a wooden galleon on the roof of the building.  I'm not sure why they chose this but it was funny and fun and I'm not sure if you can get up to the deck of the ship as the hold, or where the hold would be is where the bar is, but I think they also serve food earlier in the night so maybe then you can eat up there.