Monday, November 19, 2007

So as a product of both American high school and college I have had my share of alcoholic beverages, well...several peoples shares.  And also I have been a poor high school and college student as well, so I am more than used to dealing with less than top of the line alcohol.  I still have fond...or at least some type of memory of Popov brand vodka.  For those who are not college or high school age I will elaborate.  When you go into a grocery store there is an aisle just for liquor.  Now as you walk down said aisle the alcohol is divided by type, tequila, gin, etc.  NOW, when you get to the vodka aisle you see Smirnoff, Absolute, etc.  Now look down, nonono, keep looking down, bottom shelf.  There it is, the handle of vodka in the plastic bottle.  The one that only costs 8 dollars.  Ah Popov, how truly revolting and yet it brings a tear to my eye as I recall all the fun that this most disgusting of brands gave me. 
Now you may be asking yourself why I am talking about this, is this simply a walk down memory lane?  Well no, because in China I have met Popov's older cheaper long lost twin.  It goes by the standard name of BaiJiu(pronounced Buy-Joe) and it is actually a type of alcohol like vodka and gin.  However, while there may be high quality Baijiu, I have not found it and since it all tastes more or less the same to me I stick to the flask sized bottles that cost .50 cents US.  This stuff is very bad and very good and very cheap.  It pervades all types of mixers and is very alcoholic.  After a while, when your taste buds no longer function it doesn't actually taste that bad...well that's not true it still does but by the time you don't notie the taste you are already fairly tipsy so that helps.  
There is no real moral to this post, I just felt that I should share my find with the rest of the world.  Chinese red wine, named Great Wall, is also an interesting drink, though the beers so far hae been nice, not great but consistently good.

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