Saturday, January 12, 2008

So I leave for THailand in two days which is very exciting for me.  I ate the last of my perishable food today and so for dinner i went out to a noodle place, not one right next to me but one a 5 minute walk away.  To get there I have to go past I guess what would be the "town" or "village" square.  Id never been there at night before and just as in the park it was full of people.  Theere were kids watching what looked like a Barbie cgi movie and groups of people ballroom dancing and doing tai chi and practising some sort of dance involving cymbols, small drums, and red fans or scarves i wasn't sure which.  Anyways, the point of this is that I kind of like the Chinese community spirit thing they have going here.  I don't know if it stems from cultural differences or because of the whole socialist thing but at night in any neighborhood in the US you wouldnt have all these people out and about at night all just at one place doing things together.  The same thing, only on a slightly larger scale happens at the park only there it is mostly people ballroom dancing which is fun to watch.
Also people here have been asking me about the election happening back home so that has been interesting.  They don't really have a good idea of how things work as far as elections for president go, at least not that I could tell and Im not sure if that is because of a language barrier when we talk about it or because the government doesn't want them to know or it's just one of those things that they ahppen not to know about.  At some pont it would be ncie to find a person that speaks fluent fluent english and talk about it and see what they have to say.  i know that alot of people that I have talked to over the months do expres dislike for the party and all but I wonder how much they know abut alternative forms of government.  Anyways, good night and I am very excited for southeast asia.  Also, I was thinking, we call the general region of Iraq Saudi Arabia, UAE the middle east, but we dont call any region the East.  Why is that?  Also with words with the prefix of mis, they usually mean soemthing bad, what does mis mean?

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