Tuesday, January 22, 2008


So I have now officially added thailand to the places Ive been, but at most it is a hollow achievement. I am only here for 8 days and i will not get to see much of the country, which to me is the whole point of going to a country. Anyone can go see 12 countries in 12 days in Europe or jsut travel to the capital of a place but that doesn't seem any fun. So I have to come back and do Thailand properly, maybe take a few weeks or a month at some point though I have no idea when. It is also depressing because even though I am living in China and traveling through Southeast Asia for a month i am constantly meeting people who are traveling for a year. Now I am having a great time but still, it would be alot of fun to travel for a year. I met a girl who had come to thailand via China and the Trans-Siberian Railroad and another who had just arrived to start her travels and she had quit her job at an aquarium.
Anyways, on to the travel update. bangkok is alot of fun, very big and crowded but the Skytrain makes it relatively easy to get around. Everything is cheap but that just means that you spend alot of small amounts of money that add up to a large amount of money(relatively speaking). Also everyone thinks I am a pervert and ask if I want adult DVD because I am a foreigner. I did walk by several go go bars that lie along the night market, nothing really special that i saw, just a large amount of thai women in bikinis sort of half dancing on stage. Eh. Also did a cooking class that was alot of fun. It was 4 hours and only had me and one other woman from Canada and we made fresh curry paste, a very nice mint salad, pad thai, a really good soup and then a dessert called rubies in coconut milk. I have all the recipes so I can make them when I get back. I also went to the old Siam capital and that was cool, lots of ruins and what not, took alot of pictures. Anyways, then I went to ko Chang which is an island and that was really laid back and relaxing even though we were only there for two days but that beach was really nice, kinda made me wiosh I was traveling with a girl but c'est la vie.
Finally, the food is amazing! Street food is so good and they need to have it in the states, maybe thatll be the theme of the restaurant I open, all street food, which includes alot of different thigns, from pad thai to meeat on a stick to papaya salad(Which was incredibly good!!!!). Anyways, on to Phnom Penh and Cambodia so i will let you know what comes next!

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