Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, I have never lived in Miami and don't really have a particular want to but those who know these things say that the weather in Miami is the same or similar as that in Shenzhen.  If that is true while i still don't want to live there I would love to visit because the weather here has ben beautiful recently, and I also hear good things about pork sandwiches in Miami as well.  Now I know that it will get hotter because I was here last year when it was hotter but just now it is pretty much perfect.  Even today, while it is raining I am loving it.  It is either overcast and rainy(awesome) or it is balmy and sunny(also awesome).  While there are not many actual "activities" to do outside as such just walking down the street can be nice, grab a pineapple on a stick along the way and listen to NPR or BBC podcasts along the way.  The only thing that mars this otherwise beautiful time is the fact that Indiana Jones s coming out and I'm not sure if it will be out ehre at the same time.  Iron Man came out over here a day early and I went and saw it in a real theatre and didn't buy the bootleg dvd which turned out to be a good thing since it was dubbed not subbed chinese.  Plus for movies like that part of the fun is seeing it on the big screen.
Well no matter the fact that I have been in China for almost a year I must still be doing something innately foreign because I still get pointed at at small children and called Wei gua ren(Foreigner).  Maybe it's my accent when I try to speak Chinese.  Hmm.  Well at any rate they are at least getting more polite when they say it.  It has gone from just stopping me in the street pointing at me and sayin it to now saying Wei Gua Ren Hao(lit:Foreigner good) which translates into Foreigner Hello.(hello-Ni Hao(Ni means you so literally "you good?") And as a foreigner and since i will be leaving I am making a list of the things I will miss in China:
1. Street Food - Always good, always open, whether it be BBQ or noodles or stir fry or chao mein or pineapple on a stick

2. Prices - Even with inflation everything is cheap. WHy can't I get dinner out for 2 or 3 dollars in the States(That isn't fast food)

3. Cheap Restaurants - Kinda goes along with 2 but all you can eat sushi for $9.00, all you can eat teppenyaki with kobe beef, shrimp, salmon and all you can drink sake

4. DVDS - Yes I know I know these are bad, they hurt the copyright holders etc but when you are homesick and want to see a movie that is in English it's nice to be able to get it for $1.50

5. Being Special - I am special in China, people look at me and its fun.  I was on the metro and a couple of girls came up and took some pictures with me last week, and its happened a few other times too plus its fun to be bad at chinese but still have people compliment you o it just because you are trying and say a few words

6.My Students - Not all of them, some of them i want to throw out of windows but the good ones and the girl that I tutor I will miss
So I saw the Olympic Torch relay and it was alot of fun.  Most of the schools had the day(Thurs) off and Id say everybody else had it of in the city too because the crowds were HUGE but this is China so who knows.  Anyway, I went with my other english teacher Dan and a few of our students at 7:30 because the Torch Relay started at 9 but when we get there people said that it had been moved back to 12.  I thought it was kind of funny that even when they reach China they are still worried about disruptions.  So we left and came back at around 12 and looked for a place to see the Torch.  The crowds were really really big so the closest we could get to was maybe 6 rows of pushing people from the route.  It was very hot, actually it was a beautiful ay but when you are standing shoulder to shoulder with millions of Chinese people the immediate temperature around you goes up. Back to the story so we are there and every time a truck or car that is part of the relay goes by everybody shouts Gong Gua Jia You and goes crazy and then after the truck there is nothing so everybody gets quiet again. Finally the torch comes and everybody goes crazy and I take pictures but luckily they came out because I couldnt see the guy that well through the crowd on the camera though I could with the naked eye so i just thrust the camera up and started snapping away.  Afterwards we all went to COCO park which is a mall near us and ate at the food court and saw alot of students all of whom always have the identical expression of surprise when they see me outside of school. Anyways it was a fun day even though we had to then work on Saturday to make up the day.
Well after God knows how many months I can now get back onto my blog.  THis miracle came along with the equally great miracle that wikipedia and youtube now work as well.  Though to be fair I don't really use youtube but still its nice to know that if I ever want to I can.  I use mostly or because I don't like to watch web clips so much as tv shows and movies and youtube doesn't have those and the chinese sites do.  But the real happy part is that wiki now works because it is very frustrating when you have a random question you want answered and you cannot find the answer because wikipedia is offline.  ALSO, BBC is also now available though of not much use to me because I use itunes to get the podcasts from the BBC news and use yahoo for written news I think it is a good thing in general that more websites are now available.
Secondly and of more importance is the Chinese earthquake.  Many people have died and it is very interesting to see the reaction of the people here in Shenzhen.  I was in Hua Qian Bei looking at electronics and there were two separate booths set up by the government, one for donations of money and the other for blood donations.  BUT, while that would be a good response they also had groups of people with Chinese flags and wearing red shouting Gong Gua Jia You! and marching around.  Gong Gua Jia You means China add oil but add oil is an idiomatic expression for GO! So that felt a little odd, but given the governments quick response, especially when compared to Burma's situation I guess they can be given a little leeway for a small amount of nationalist indoctrination in this situation.