Monday, May 19, 2008

Well after God knows how many months I can now get back onto my blog.  THis miracle came along with the equally great miracle that wikipedia and youtube now work as well.  Though to be fair I don't really use youtube but still its nice to know that if I ever want to I can.  I use mostly or because I don't like to watch web clips so much as tv shows and movies and youtube doesn't have those and the chinese sites do.  But the real happy part is that wiki now works because it is very frustrating when you have a random question you want answered and you cannot find the answer because wikipedia is offline.  ALSO, BBC is also now available though of not much use to me because I use itunes to get the podcasts from the BBC news and use yahoo for written news I think it is a good thing in general that more websites are now available.
Secondly and of more importance is the Chinese earthquake.  Many people have died and it is very interesting to see the reaction of the people here in Shenzhen.  I was in Hua Qian Bei looking at electronics and there were two separate booths set up by the government, one for donations of money and the other for blood donations.  BUT, while that would be a good response they also had groups of people with Chinese flags and wearing red shouting Gong Gua Jia You! and marching around.  Gong Gua Jia You means China add oil but add oil is an idiomatic expression for GO! So that felt a little odd, but given the governments quick response, especially when compared to Burma's situation I guess they can be given a little leeway for a small amount of nationalist indoctrination in this situation.

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