Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, I have never lived in Miami and don't really have a particular want to but those who know these things say that the weather in Miami is the same or similar as that in Shenzhen.  If that is true while i still don't want to live there I would love to visit because the weather here has ben beautiful recently, and I also hear good things about pork sandwiches in Miami as well.  Now I know that it will get hotter because I was here last year when it was hotter but just now it is pretty much perfect.  Even today, while it is raining I am loving it.  It is either overcast and rainy(awesome) or it is balmy and sunny(also awesome).  While there are not many actual "activities" to do outside as such just walking down the street can be nice, grab a pineapple on a stick along the way and listen to NPR or BBC podcasts along the way.  The only thing that mars this otherwise beautiful time is the fact that Indiana Jones s coming out and I'm not sure if it will be out ehre at the same time.  Iron Man came out over here a day early and I went and saw it in a real theatre and didn't buy the bootleg dvd which turned out to be a good thing since it was dubbed not subbed chinese.  Plus for movies like that part of the fun is seeing it on the big screen.

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