Tuesday, September 18, 2007

So tomorrow, Wednesday, is a fairly full day.  In the morning I have to teach two classes, though i do get to sleep in.  Then I have two hors of chinese class.  After that I am going to Lo Hu Commercial City.  This is a five story mall where you can buy anything from electronics to fake watches or shoes or tailored suits.  I am going for two reasons.  The first is that I have a sports jacket being made for me, ailored of course, and tomorrow is the initial fitting, after which time they will make adjustments for the final jacket.  The second is that unless things change drastically change and we suddenly get our passports back we may well be buying the train tickets for Autumn Festival to hainan island, which should be fun.  So all in all a full day, and if all goes well with the jacket then next month at some point after I get paid I will be getting a full suit tailored, and maybe another sports jacket who knows.  I'll come back looking like Bond!

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