Tuesday, October 2, 2007

So I went over the border to Hong Kong yesterday.  I didn't realize that it was National Day, well I mean i did but I did not really think about it beyond the whole it's a holiday and I have the week off.  National Day celebrates when mao declared the People's Republic of China so it's 4th of July, only in China, and the first day of October.  Anyways, because it was National Day there turned out to be fireworks over the bay which was pretty fun to watch along with the huge crowds of chinese people.  Though I like the fireworks in the US better, mostly because I am used to it being set to music, also the presentation was only so so.

Anyways, so, Hong Kong.  We checked into our hostel but they tried to switch the room on us but luckily the bulding we were in had many many hostels.  What happens is that people basically renovate their apartments and turn them into hostels, it was very small but nice.  The day we got there we just explored the ex-pat bar area of Hong Kong.  The next day we stayed in kowloon and went to a temple that had over 10,00 buddhas, it was a looooong climb up all the stairs to the temple, the stairs were flanked by statues of buddhas in different poses so that was cool and at the top were....more buddhas.  After that we went to the Museum of Art, but they did not have any of Bob's pieces displayed which was a little disappointing but the Museum was still interesting.  next time I want to explore more of Hong Kong proper.  Tomorrow I leave for Sanya on Hainan Island so until then...

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