Tuesday, October 9, 2007

So my first break had not as a student but as an educator has come and gone.  I went to Hong Kong on Monday and Tuesday and then left for Hainan Island on Wednesday night.  The trip took about 16 hours each way so we got settled in and on the beach around 2 on Thursday.  Hainan was alot of fun, maybe not as culturally signifigant as the Great Wall but very relaxing after the stress of a new job with actual responsibilties and everything.  
Friday night we were out at a bar around 4 and after we left the bar went to grab some street food, meat on a stick to be precise.  We then decided that we were going to stay up and watch the sun rise on the beach.  I have to say that sitting on the beach in pitch black and listening to the waves and yes, going for a late night/early morning swim was amazing.  And watching the sun rise was also great!  
I don't know, it's been very up and down so far here in China, the experience itself is amazing but alot of times the kids make this a very difficult and frustratingjob, especially since there are always a few kids who you can tell DO care about learning but instead of trying to help them you are forced to deal with the loud kids who are talking and horsing around.  But sitting on the beach really helped to center myself.  I'm not saying that it's not going to be just as difficult now, in fact one of my classes today already had me at the end of my patience.  However, it does help to know there are moments when you can just be alone in another cuntry with your thoughts.  I didn't get that at the Forbidden City though after walking for two hours on the Great Wall and looking back at where I'd come from and watching how far id have to go since the Great Wall went all the way to the horizon I did get a certain moment there as well.
I don't know, being here has decidedly been an up and down experience, especially with things going on back in the states that make me want to stay or go.  Anyways, tomorrow I have an interview for tutoring which if it goes through should more than take care of my weekly expensives with a little to spare which would allow me to save my salary from the school for trips or just savings.  We'll see.

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