Thursday, December 20, 2007

Almost finished with teaching about Christmas.  I have Christmas Day and New Years Day off but in between I have class but On January 12th is break so that is getting ever closer.  it's weird becaus i realized a few days ago that for all my life I have been on break for at least a week or so by this time and I still have another couple weeks or so until i get off.  But I do have a solid month which is nice.  As far as Christmas go, the kids know about it and I see lots of Merry Christmas signs(all in english) on restaurants and the like.  But the knowledge is very superficial.  They know we have turkey because in America we always have turkey when we have a holiday.  They know about Christmas hats and Christmas "socks" though they do not know what they are for.  They of course all know presents and Santa but for most of them they call him Christmas old man which leads me to believe that they know him only by site, that is that they have seen pictures of him but that's it.  
What else? Ah, my tutoring is going well, an hour and a half on Fridays and two on Sunday, both of the kids I tutor(a 12 year old boy and 10 year old girl) have smaller sisters and both mothers have started telling the smaller sisters to call me uncle, which they do in a very cute way.  The girl is better then the boy and both the mothers like to "pop"(barge) in and talk during the tutoring which is fine but I get the feeling they want to practise their english too.  Everyone here who speaks english has a tendency to mix up pronouns when talking about people(calling hes shes and vice versa) but otherwise they speak english fairly well.  For my first client I never saw the father because he lived in a different city where he worked.  My new girl client has a mother father grandmother and nanny along with the two kids in the house(not that big but nice) while the other has no grandmother but otherwise same setup except the mother also has another apartment in the city as well.  Anyways, that is what is going on with me at the moment, not sure what I'll be up to this weekend but nothing fancy as I am trying to keep a low profile to save every RMB I can for the trip.  Happy Holidays to all!

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