Thursday, December 6, 2007

The China Squat
Here in China, just as in India, the toilets are the literal inverse of those in the Unites States, ie where they go up and form a seat in the States here and in India they go down, basically a porcelain hole in the ground.  Now just as then in India I didn't understand why if they have the ability to make a toilet that is a whole why they cannot make one that is a seat which is so much more comfortable.  However, there is something here called the "China squat" which does shed some light on this.  Here when people are waiting rather then standing around they squat, perfectly balanced with the feet flat on the ground.  This is a very stable squat as compared to what I can do, but then I am very unflexable.  So if you are able to do the China squat then it makes the bathrooms here very easy.
Ah, well cultural differences, is what some people say, but then  any of those people are not a 20 something living in the other country.  Maybe you know where I am going with this, so i will get to the point, bars and clubs.  Now while taking no stnad myself there are some people who do go out on occasion to bars and clubs and imbibe drinks of a mind altering nature.  Part of the way they alter the mind in that they dampen motor control and balance.  Ah, yes, balance.  I am very steady on my feet even in the worst of times but when needing to attend to nature while having been drinking it is a very difficult thing.  Now luckily it has never come to a bad end and i will knock on wood that it won't but I would think that even to people to whom the china squat is second nature this might be an issue, especially considering the nature of barand club bathroom floors and what it means to solid footing.  
I want to be able to do the china squat just on general principles and I have been trying but I need to do consistent yoga/stretching and my schedule is somwhat hectic so it is hard to find the time, but i still have hope.  now I have to go buy a new hotplate.

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