Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas!  Happy new Year!  I have to say that my Christmas in China was somewhat of a disappointment.  Being at a banquet with 100 other teachers in a new country all or most in their mid twenties meant that for most of them it was just an excuse to get drunk.  That plus the fact that the food itself was unremarkable chinese food meant that the day itself was nothing particularly special.  Seeing most of my fellow teacher perform for the talent show was funny but all in all it was not nearly as much fun as Christmas at homewas/is.
Now, while the Christmas celebration itself was not much there were a few very nice things about Christmas.  Of course being able to talk to the family was very nice as was getting packages from home but once again comapred to being able to actually be with the family it was also a reminder of what was missing.  My kids were the nicest aprt of Christmas that occured in country.  Not all or even most but a few gave me cards and an even fewer number gave me actual gifts.  I got a Santa doll, a hand painted flag of China, a sculpture/painting of wolves, a jade pendant for good luck and a hand knitted scarf.  The scarf was knitted by the students mother and in the note the student apologized for the lack of skill in its creation though I personally think it is very well made.  So not expecting any gifts it was a very nice suprise to recieve them from some of my students.  I don't know if teachers in the states feel the same way or if after a while it just becomes same old same old for them but here and now for me at least it was a very welcome suprise.
Next up is new Years, all the classes had a little aprty in their room that reminded me of All Saints and for the day itself i will go to hong Kong assuming I am not sick because i feel myeslf getting sick I think so I have been lots of oranges(almost forgot my school gave me a box full of oranges, and a big box not a little one)  Tongiht Im going to get Hot and sour soup ith noodles at the local noodle joint and hope like all get out that I am better in time. 

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